Our Process

So, how does this work?


Our exclusive, customized process gets right to the heart of what you’re looking for and gives the sparks a chance to fly—in four easy steps

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Why 4 steps?

In order to find you a great match, I have to know what makes you the way you are. That doesn’t happen in 15 minutes, and it certainly doesn’t happen through a series of check boxes and oversimplified “personal statements.” Once I understand what you really want and what you’re really like, I can introduce you to another Connectricity member—a unique individual whom I’ve met personally and gotten to know, just like you.

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Why us?

Trenia Johnson-Norford

Certified professional matchmaker & Dating Coach

Four Steps

Follow Me

email tn@connectricitymatch.com

What we do

How it Works?

I believe everyone has a spark–that special something that makes them not only different from everyone else, but infinitely valuable to other people who need exactly that kind of spark in their lives.



Introductory Consultation

No pressure, no contract, no fees. You and I meet one-on-one and talk honestly about what you’re looking for. I’ll tell you about how I might be able to help.


To give me a leg up on understanding the kind of match is right for you, you fill out a simple questionnaire in anticipation of your free consultation.

Take the plunge

If you’re ready to get serious about finding someone who will truly make you happy, then we shake hands and I get busy finding him or her.




No essays or frivolous questions for you to show how “quirky” you are, just some essential guideposts to help me get to know you.


Once I’ve received your assessment, I do some digging and meet with you to present photos and descriptions of your handpicked matches—high-caliber, engaging singles who see the world the way you do. Once we’ve found someone who sparks your interest, it’s time to get out there on some dates.



Have some fun

Your date can be planned out for you in its entirety. Or, if you prefer, you can use your own imagination to make a memorable evening. I’ll be in touch afterwards to find out how it went.



How did it go?

In our third meeting, you tell me about your date and I give you some informed feedback to help make the next one even better—whether it’s with the same person or with a new match. Dating should always be fun—and when it’s done right, it can also lead to rich personal growth.

Two paths

Sometimes it will be perfect from the get-go. Sometimes it won’t. In the former case, I’ll be in touch as much or as little as you’d like to give feedback and professional dating assistance. In the latter case, I’ll take what we’ve learned from the first date and present new matches, and we’ll rewind to Step 3: Date. I won’t stop until we’ve found someone who makes you excited about getting up in the morning.

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“Right from the initial contact, Trenia exudes a level of professionalism and personal touch unlike anyone else. She was very attentive to my concerns and questions and made the entire process feel very fluid and natural. I always thought that finding the perfect girl for me was out of reach, but, Trenia delivered with flying colors. It really makes a difference working with someone who is truly passionate about what they do. I will be recommending Connectricity to anyone who wants find true happiness.”


Senior Sales Representative

“As a busy professional woman in my late 40’s, I was always “unsure” about the men I dated. I wanted and needed more than just a date or someone to hang out with. I wanted to connect with someone who shared my values—someone I can talk to, listen to, and respect. With Connectricity’s help, I found my soul mate. I also came to realize that love can be many things, but one thing it could never be is “unsure”. We are both “sure” we were made for each other. Thank you so much, Trenia.”


Nonprofit Executive Director

“It scares me to think that I hesitated to pursue this adventure, because if I hadn’t, I never would have met my love mate! He is an amazing person; I love him and (thankfully) he loves me. In fact, next week we’re flying to California to meet his parents. Our plan is to get married in the fall, and I couldn’t be happier. A million thanks to Trenia and Connectricity!”



“I felt like I was confiding in a friend. And to top it off, she connected me with my true soul mate. Now I’m planning a wedding! Thank you so much, Trenia!”


 University Professor

“Trenia never pushed, but kept assuring me there was somebody she felt I should meet. After a few weeks I took her up on her offer and was so glad I did. The connection was immediate, and I feel this may be the start of something truly special. Being introduced by someone who has gotten to know you makes all the difference, and regardless of what the future may bring, I believe my life has been irrevocably changed for the better. Thank you Trenia!”


Business Advisor

“I thought to myself: “I’m pretty, I don’t need help” and “I can find my own man.” Then I realized that I needed some help since my last relationship sank like the Titanic. Trenia set me up with a great guy, and it was a first/blind date high for a week. He was well dressed with an AMAZING smile that just grabbed me. I never would have guessed that a blind date would last 5 hours. When I came home I had to tell someone so I texted Trenia and told her that I had a great time. I felt as though I was 16 years old again laying on bed with my feet in the air when I did. Not sure why she was holding back this guy, but all great things happen for a reason and I am happy that she waited for the right moment to introduce us. Date three is right around the corner, thank you Trenia!”


Account Manager


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