We help you find someone who truly understands you and sparks that undeniable connection.
Matchmaking Services
Leveraging years of experience in the industry, Connectricity offers a personalized matchmaking service. We fuse the science of “on-paper” compatibility with the personalized care of a friend who wants to see you happy. Our clients are highly selective because they’re ready to find lasting love and know they won’t find it with just anyone.
Sign Up To Masterclass Where I'll Teach You Three Proven Strategies On How To:

Getting out of the friend zone

Identifying Red Flags

Attracting desired partner

About Me
Hi. I’m Trenia Norford
I believe everyone has a spark–that special something that makes them not only different from everyone else, but infinitely valuable to other people who need exactly that kind of spark in their lives.
Award Winning & Trusted Matchmaking

How it Works
I believe everyone has a spark–that special something that makes them not only different from everyone else, but infinitely valuable to other people who need exactly that kind of spark in their lives.
Our Process
No pressure, no contract, no fees. You and I meet one-on-one and talk honestly about what you’re looking for. I’ll tell you about how I might be able to help.
Learn MoreStep1Digging
No essays or frivolous questions for you to show how “quirky” you are, just some essential guideposts to help me get to know you.
Learn MoreStep2Date
Your date can be planned out for you in its entirety. Or, if you prefer, you can use your own imagination.
Learn MoreStep3Debrief
In our third meeting, you tell me about your date and I give you some informed feedback to help make the next one even better.
Learn MoreStep4
Find the love of your life here.
Connectricity is an exclusive, customized process designed to assist you in finding the relationship that you need and desire. In just four easy steps, the love that you’re looking for is just a tap away!

No essays or frivolous questions for you to show how “quirky” you are, just some essential guideposts to help me get to know you.
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